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What are my favourite Spiced Rums and Cokes?!

Coming up, in this Blog, I've got a very quick run down of my top five Spiced Rums to mix with Coca-Cola. These are the Spiced Rums that I've featured so far to date, tail end of 2019, and so if you wanna know what my top five favourite Spiced Rum and Cokes are, keep reading.

Right then, this Blog, as I've said, is my favourite Spiced Rum and Cokes, this is prompted by quite a few questions in the comments now on various different videos that I've rocked out, but Steve what is your favourite Spiced Rum and Coke, so I thought as we're coming up to Christmas, this is kind of the review, the end of the year, I've done 33 Spiced Rum reviews now, since June, it's kind of when this channel flipped over from gin to Spiced Rum, which is my out and out love, it's what I love to drink, so yeah, this is kind of the round up series. I've done all of these Spiced Rums with Coca-Cola Zero, I just thought that was fair.

Missing out...

Now just missing out on the top five, purely and utterly by price alone, is World's End Tiki Spiced Rum, it's an absolutely phenomenal Spiced Rum, really, really love it, however, for me, if you're gonna have a Spiced Rum with Coke or anything like that, this is nearly 35 pounds a bottle. Very expensive in that scheme of things so, while it is absolute phenomenal, I don't class it any better than the top five that I'm gonna show you in a second, that come in way below the 30 pound mark. So that is lovely, if money is no object to you, that is absolutely amazing, but for me, just missed out on top five.Watch the Review Video;

Buy Worlds End Tiki Spiced Rum online

Fifth Place…

Right then, in fifth place, good old favourite this one, that is just everyone loves this, this is RedLeg, it's their normal Red Leg, so vanilla and ginger, kind of the drier end of the Spiced Rums, not cloyingly sweet, and just absolutely lovely, comes in under 20 pound a bottle, can get it online but most supermarkets will stock this now and if they don't, they certainly will do January, February next year when Spiced Rum grows even further. So that's my fifth place, this is RedLeg, again, less then 20 pounds a bottle.Watch the Review Video;

Buy RedLeg Spiced Rum online

Fourth Place…

Now in fourth place, this, I've got a lot of love for this one, again, cheap as chips, this is Dead Man's Fingers, I've got a lot of love for it, a bit bias because I'm Cornish, this is a Cornish brand that's been around quite a long time now in the grand scheme of things, now owned Halewood's, you will pick this up at less than 19 pounds, I think even cheaper at the moment, a lot of supermarkets haven't taken this on yet which I find quite bizarre but it's definitely on Ocado, it's definitely in Asda and you can also get it online for less than 19 pounds. Dead Man's Fingers, a little bit sweeter than Red Leg, it's kind of got, sort of traditional spices, the vanilla, bits of cinnamon, lime in there, but it's a Spiced Rum and Coke for less than 20 pounds you cannot go wrong with that, so that is my fourth placed Spiced Rum. Watch the Review Video;

Buy Dead Mans Fingers Spiced Rum online

Third Place…

Right then, in third place, let's get right to it. Cut To the Spice, this is absolutely amazing. Slightly more expensive than these two, you will get it about 23, 24 pounds, may have to order this online, still at the moment, haven't seen this in too many supermarkets, well when I say too many, I haven't seen it in any supermarkets yet, if you have, let me know in the comments below, of what supermarkets people can get it from, but absolutely love this stuff. The whole Cut To thing, again with all these, I'll drop links, just in that corner, I think it's that corner, I'm in the mirror so I can't, is it that corner, whatever, I'll drop links above of where you can find the review of this, basically the whole Cut To they're just cutting away all the b@llsh@t, as I said in the previous video, spin it around, you don't need to know it's Madagascan vanilla or anything like that, it's just vanilla, same with nutmeg and clove, but this as a Rum and Coke, just absolutely lovely. This also does come in at less than 40% ABV, same as those actually, all three of these so far are 37 and a half percent ABV, which still legally makes them a Spiced Rum, no 35, but 37, anything below 37 and a half percent is legally a spirit based drink or liqueur, or whatever you want to call it. But these are proper out and out Spiced Rums, so this is my third place, this is Cut To, absolutely lovely. Watch the Review Video;

Buy Cut To Spiced Rum online

Second Place…

Right, my second placed, Spiced Rum, for Spiced Rum and Coke and this actually featured in the previous video, one of my favourite neat sipping Rums as well. This Chairman's Reserve, again I just, it's a 40 percenter, absolutely love it, sort of vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon, bit of clove in there, bit of orange as well, it just works so well, and because I would actually say it's a lot, yeah it is, it's a lot drier than those, it hasn't got those little, those sweetness that you kind of expect, it just works very, very well as a Spiced Rum and Coke. Very close to winning, I'll show you my favourite one in a minute, but St. Lucian Rum, distilled in St. Lucia, Spiced in St. Lucia, it's not a UK Brand, so there's no sort of flavour compounds or anything done, added to in the UK, shipped over from St. Lucia, absolutely lovely. Slightly more expensive, I think about 24 pounds a bottle, go and check it out online, links in the show notes below of where you can get this from, but that is Chairman's Reserve and that is my second placed Spiced Rum and Coke. Watch the Review Video;

Buy Chairmans Reserve Spiced Rum online

My Favourite Spiced Rum & Coke...

So then, my favourite, my number one pick, absolutely love this, this is my third or fourth bottle now of this, this is Rockstar Spirits, this is same people as your Pineapple Grenade, as your Grapefruit Grenade, this is Captain Webb's Two Swallows Spiced Rum, absolutely love this. For me, just hands down better than anything else I've tried. Slightly different flavour profile as well, we've got salted caramel, we've got candied citrus fruits in there, it's not overly sweet at all, I just think it's got a lovely bit of spice in there, I just think it just works, so well as a Rum and Coke. So that is my number one pick, but I promise you, you're not going to be disappointed with any of those five, it's just that I think that that is my favourite out of the 33 that I've done so far.Watch the Review Video;

Buy Two Swallows Spiced Rum online

So what do you reckon? Do you agree with me? Let me know on Social, what is your favourite Spiced Rum and Coke? Is it actually something I've not even covered yet in the previous 33 videos, let me know. So that is my top five Spiced Rum and Cokes. Coming up in the next Blog, it's gonna be my favourite Spiced Rums to go with my top seven mixers, that are not Coke. Aka, the Best Spiced Rum Highballs


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