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What are the Best Spiced Rums to Drink Neat?

Comin' up in this blog, I've got my top three, sipping Spiced Rums. If you wanna know what they are, read on.

Right then, as we're approaching Christmas 2019, I thought it would be quite a good idea to do couple of videos now, where I kind of review what I've done so far in 2019. I've reviewed over 33, I think it is, 33/34 Spiced Rums now since I've flipped back over to what I really love Spiced Rum back in June this year. So 33 of them, I keep getting questions all the time, and the comments what's my favourite Spiced Rum with Coke, what's my favourite Sipping Rum, and what's my favourite mixers, I've got 3 videos coming up now, shipped and released all 3 just before Christmas. And I'm just going to deep dive so, this one we are going to do Sipping Rums, my top 3 Sipping Rums. Also, coming up, I've got my top 5 Spiced Rum and Cokes. And then, I've got, I dunno how quite to explain it, but another video I'm going to do, I'm going to take each of the 7 mixers and my favourite 7 mixes and I'm going to show you my favourite Spiced Rums to mix with each one those mixes.

So, today the 3 videos are coming up just before Christmas. This one is my top 3 Sipping Spiced Rums. So let's just jump straight in with my third place Sipping Rum. In 3rd Place...

Worlds End Dark Spiced Rum

This is a Spiced Rum that I did only a couple of weeks now. And in third place, I thought it might be close. I said in the video that it could quite potentially hit my top five. It did, I'm not going to go top five, because I think that was a bit too many for this. This is my third place, this is Worlds End and it's their Dark Spiced Rum.

Buy Worlds End Dark Spiced Rum online Quite easily to get hold of this on Master of Malt. It comes in roughly about 35 pounds. Worlds End are actually a Belgium brand of Spiced Rums. They've got 4 or 5, I've lost track of how many they got there. I've reviewed two in this channel, the Tiki Spiced and the Dark Spiced. This is absolutely lovely neat. Based Rums are Trinidadian in Barbados, you've got little hints of vanilla in there as well as subtle, not overly sweet at all, in the grand scheme of things. I really, really love that. So go and check that out, link in the show now is where you can get it from master of malt about 34 pounds to you. If you're in the trade, you will get it slightly cheaper. So that's my third place Sipping Rum.

In 2nd Place...


So moving on to my second favourite Sipping Spiced Rum, again, this is another Spiced Rum that I've reviewed only a few weeks ago now. I'll stick a link right up there where you can go, watch that review. And in second place, I'm actually going Rumbullion. Their normal strength, their 42.6% Spiced Rum. Even now I absolutely love the navy strength, I can't obviously include that in this little review, because I haven't reviewed it yet, it's not been one of the first 33. So this has made it into second place, I absolutely love it. Ableforth's is the brand, they're also famous for their Bathtub Gin as well. They're parent Company is a Master of Malt. So obviously you can go and get it from them. This is the more expensive end of the spectrum, it's about 35 pounds.

Buy Rumbullion Spiced Rum online Again, lovely vanilla forward in this one, but it is so smooth and so luxurious as it just slips down that I just think that is an amazing Spiced Rum to sit and eat to sit and eat. Yes, it does work very very well with Coke and things like that as well. But as a Sipping Rum, I really really love that. It's got a nice bit of alcohol, 42.6% and it's just absolutely lovely, So if you love your Sipping Rums go and check that out. That is Rumbullion.

My Favourite Spiced Rum to Drink Neat...

Chairmans Reserve Spiced Rum

Right then, so my favourite, my favourite out and out Sipping Spiced Rum, and actually this goes back to right at the start of my journey. This was one of the very first ones that I reviewed on this channel. Absolutely love it, and for my money, you still cannot beat it for taste, for price, it just has everything. So my top pick, my favourite out and out Sipping Rum, of the 33 Spiced Rums I've reviewed and tasted so far, Is Chairmans Reserve.

Buy Chairman's Reserve Spiced Rum online For me, as a neat Sipping Rum you just cannot beat it. Even to you guys that are not in the trade, less than 24 pounds a bottle for Master of Malt. This is a proper out an out Rum. St Lucian, they distil and spice it themselves. It's not a UK Company, the Rums are not shipped to the UK to be Spiced, or anything like that. As I say, just amazing. To taste, you get this amazing sort of vanilla, clove, nutmeg, hints of orange cum fruit. But the key thing with this, is not overly sweet and clawing or anything like that. It doesn't kind of stick to your teeth. It's just absolutely amazing as a Sipping Rum. It's just super super delicious, absolutely love that. So, again, Master of Malt, links in the show notes, is where you can that from now. Less than 24 pounds of bottle, probably even cheaper, if you're watching this before Christmas. You might be able to pick this up even cheaper. I will stick again, another link in the show now of where you can watch the review of this, probably the old format reviews 'cause I did do this probably 5 months ago now. But, my money, there is that's the winner so, first place Chairman's Reserve Spiced Rum.


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